Wednesday 6 April 2011

Week 1

What is on the site?

The site is currently a carpark, which I feel is a complete waste of space, and a bike and pedestrian path that links the CBD with the inner suburbs. I think this particular link should be fully utilized and incorporated into our designs, to create a useful place within the city, that provides purpose.

Why is the site not fully utilized?

I feel that the site, once the wharves were shut down, was forgotten about, and shunned away from the inner workings of the city, to slowly decay away from public view, hidden under the story bridge. I think that we should maximise the fact that our site resides under such an iconic structure, and not design something that will compete with the bridge, but will enhance user experience.

Where can the site be accessed from?

The site has three major entries. The first from a road linking the back of the CBD, The second from the inner suburbs via a walkway, and the third a continuation of the riverside walkway which follows the river. These three acess points are major contributors to the aforementioned city link.

What does the site need?

In my opinion the site needs to be picked up out of the doldrums, and utilize not only the story bridge being an icon, but to make the most of the link it owns between the CBD and the inner suburbs.

Currently Oursite is still a flash in the memory of Users fleetingly being on the site. I feel our designs should incorporate this, but also give value to our designs by making it a destinaion as well, something that can draw the User in. Function is an essential component of the Howard Smith Wharves plan. Relating to the previous update, I feel that the plan must have adaptablilty and several functions to fully activate the site. I am currently looking at restaurant/bar, also with the added feature of a bike-stop, family eating area, and a seating area. I am looking at utilizing the current structures at the site for kitchens and or storage.

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